
Zhongjie Yu

Zhongjie Yu 
Principle Investigator

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My research interest is at the intersection of watershed hydrology and nitrogen biogeochemistry. I am also interested in developing and applying novel stable isotope techniques to trace coupled water and nitrogen transport in hydrologic systems. In addition, I teach courses in Aquatic Biogeochemistry, Soil and Water Conservation, and Topics in Isotope Hydro-Biogeochemistry.

Corey Mitchell

Corey Mitchell
Senior Research Specialist in Agriculture
Laboratory Manager
Google Scholar

Corey has more than 15 years of experience in measuring and analyzing nutrient cycling in midwestern agricultural systems.

John Green
Senior Research Specialist in Agriculture
Field Technician

Minpeng Hu

Minpeng Hu
Postdoctoral Researcher
Google Scholar

Minpeng’s current research combines nitrous oxide isotopocule analysis with watershed modeling to understand the sources and controls of nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural river networks in the US Corn Belt. He is also interested in the quantification and modeling of watershed legacy nutrients.

Yinchao Hu

Yinchao Hu
Ph.D. Student

Yinchao’s dissertation research combines hydrometric/agronomic measurements and nitrate isotopes to characterize the sources and transport of nitrate in tile-drained corn-soybean rotation systems.

Minghui Sha

Minghui Sha
Ph.D. Student

Minghui’s current work focuses on using water age modeling and nitrate isotope biogeochemistry to quantify the reactive transport of nitrogen at the watershed scale.

Sabine Miller

Sabine Miller
M.S. Student

Sabine is using continuous in-stream nitrate sensing and water isotope analysis to better understand nitrate export regimes in a tile-drained agricultural watershed. 

Carlos Guacho

Carlos Guacho
M.S. Student

Carlos is interested in using water isotopes and replicated field agronomical trials to examine mechanisms that drive nutrient loss from tile-drained agricultural fields.

Naglis Subacius

Naglis Subacius
Undergraduate Student

Naglis joined the Yu Lab as a Undergraduate Researcher through the University of Illinois Ignite Program in January 2021. Naglis is currently helping to keep the lab in tip-top shape.

Danaher Nora

Nora Danaher
Undergraduate Student

Nora joined the Yu Lab in August 2022 to help with field sampling and laboratory research.

Hope Liu

Hope Liu
Undergraduate Student

Hope joined the Yu Lab in January 2022 to help with various research projects.